Contact information

18 months is a long time for any missionary to be away from friends and family. Sierra - and any other missionary in YOUR life - would love to hear from you from time to time. Letters, packages, or whatever else intended for Sierra may be sent to the Florida Jacksonville Mission office which will get the parcels safely into her hands

Sister Sierra Heller

Florida Jacksonville Mission

8663 Baypine Rd # 102

Jacksonville, FL 32256

Sunday, March 6, 2016

First Word from the MTC!

Missionary service really is a full time job.  Whether in the field or the MTC, daily life is busy and structured.  If not teaching or performing community service, missionaries spend a fair amount of time studying.  New missionaries begin their missions in one of several MTCs around the world, spending from as little as two weeks to as long as eight learning how to be a missionary, how to teach, how to speak a new language, etc.  As busy as they are, they are due a day off once in a while known as a " 'P' Day", or preparation day.  This time gives the missionaries time to shop, do groceries, and to spend just a bit of time on email with friends and family.  If the friends and family time it right, they can exchange a few emails during the weekly email allotment.  Otherwise, it's more like sending messages in bottles back and forth with responses taking a week.  

On the Friday after entering the MTC, Sierra had her first P Day and hopped right on the email home and sent the following.  Enjoy!

Missionary welcome

Sierra and Sister Dahle

The Candy Shelf

MTC Crew

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